Installing Amazon Fire TV At Home

How To Set Up The Amazon Fire TV (2015)

Setting up Amazon's new Fire TV is easier if you are an Amazon customer, since you have the option of having all of your information pre-loaded when it arrives.

1.) Put the included AAA batteries into the Fire TV's remote. To open the remote's back, press down on the latch above it, and then pull it away. To close it, put the door back with the bottom first, and then push the latch up to lock it.

2.) Plug one end of an HDMI cable (not included) into your TV or AV receiver, and the other into the back of the Fire TV.

3.) Plug one end of the power adapter into the port on the back of the Fire TV, and the other into a power outlet.

4.) The remote should automatically pair wirelessly with the Fire TV. If it is not working, hold the HOME button down for at least five seconds and release it.

5.) Follow the on-screen guide to connect to your home Wi-Fi network, If you are an Amazon customer and chose to have your information preloaded, you are ready to rock. You will still have to sign into most streaming services, like Netflix or Pandora.