August Home Helps You Protect Packages From Thieves

This week August Home, a leading provider of smart locks and smart home access products and services that make live fore simple and secure, released the results of their new study, Package Theft Report: Outsmarting Criminals at Your Front Door. The study provides new insights into how thieves are stealing packages left at your doorstep as well as steps you can take to prevent them from taking your precious holiday packages.

On average, U.S. homeowners receive 27 packages each year -- 26% receive deliveries weekly and 39% monthly -- a number bound to increase as we approach the holidays. The increase creates real worry that packages left on the doorstep will be stolen. With 11 million U.S. homeowners experiencing package theft within the last year and a replacement cost close to $200 to replace each stolen delivery, theft victims feeling angry, frustrated and vulnerable.

What's interesting is that 69% of victims agree they would prefer to grant a delivery person remote access to their home, via an app, while they are out versus leaving their packages outside.

Other highlights from the study include:

  • 53% of respondents feel packages left on the doorstep being stolen is a real worry
  • 81% feel they are more likely to be targeted for packages left during the holidays
  • Found 74% of the packages that are stolen are during the day while they are at work
  • 49% of respondents stay at home for delivers while 20% said they left work early to be at home for deliveries to prevent the items from being stolen.
  • Feel smart home technology is highly valued for its potential to prevent thieves from stealing their packages.
  • 86% of respondents said smart locks allow packages to be left in the home without leaving the door unlocked
  • 92% said doorbell cameras provide peace of mind with the ability to see who is at the door from anywhere.

This time of year you need to make sure your home is secure and this report provides some good insights. You can also check out GearBrain's Would You Unlock Your Front Door When You're Not There and Home Security's Disruption Eruption: What You Need To Know to learn more about how to secure your home and packages this holiday season.