Noon Home Adds LIFX & More Customization to its Smart Lighting System

GearBrain is the middle of testing a new smart lighting system called Noon Home but wanted to take a break to share with you news about . This new Wi-Fi lighting system provides users with a smart switch called Room Director which you swipe to change the entire room's lighting. You can also use their mobile app or your voice with the help of Amazon Alexa or Google Home to turn your lights on, off or even create scenes. Overall, Noon is a complete Wi-Fi based lighting system which you can use to fit your lighting needs throughout your home. Today, Noon announced several new updates to their platform which will enable users to easily personalize the lighting in their home.

One of the new updates is the compatibility with LIFX Wi-Fi enabled smart bulbs. Noon currently works with Philips Hue smart lights but has added LIFX smart lights to their platform. This new integration provides users with a new unique and customized experience. Using the Noon Room Director, a wireless controlled smart switch, users will be able to turn off all their lights in the room, including lamps with LIFX smart bulbs without the use of a hub.

Noon also announced an expanded Icon set. Noon automatically creates scenes or users can create custom scenes for their lights, so you can achieve the right atmosphere. Today, the company announced 32 more Icons to their platform giving users the power to personalize their home both with customizable lighting and icons for those scenes. These new 32 Icons bring Noon's total Icon set to 48. Users can select an icon for their scene using the Noon App. Once they do, the scene will automatically appear on the Room Director switch. Some of the new Icons for users to choose from include avocado toast, BBQ, whiskey, game night and more.

Another new feature announced today by Noon is the quick view on Room Director. Noon has made it easier for users who change their scenes often using their Room Director. You will now be able to view multiple scenes in one view on your Room Director without having to swipe to see each scene. Using the Noon app, users will be able to change the order of your scenes to show the four you use most in one view on the Room Director.

Noon is a new lighting system which connects to your home Wi-Fi network. Its new switches provide an easy way for users to program and change the lighting in their room with either a swipe, voice command or use of a mobile app. GearBrain tested these switches and likes what it sees for far. See our full review by visiting Noon Smart Lighting System Review. In the interim, you should check out Noon and its new features by visiting their site. We think you will like what you see, especially if you are looking for a more robust lighting system to add to your smart home.