raven car camera

Owl Car Cam detects shattering glass during break-ins and accidents

Owl is updating its car camera with some new features to amp up how it monitors the inside of your car when you're behind the wheel — and not.

Motion, impact and audio sensors now read glass breaking — such as when someone has broken into a car, or even if a parked car is in an accident, sending you an alert.

Have a video clip you want to upload to social media such as a gorgeous stretch of road, or a herd of wild horses off Route 66? That can happen instantly now through the Owl app to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

In addition, car owners can tap into up to two weeks of video taken while the car has been on the road, and they can grab that footage over Wi-Fi or LTE. Drivers can now add a timestamp to their video, marking when and where they are.

Car security systems aren't really new — anyone who has woken up in the middle of the night to a car alarm can attest to that fact. Yet connected devices that capture video while a car is moving, or even parked, are allowing owners to see inside their vehicles even if they're miles away. Products like Raven start grabbing video through a simple hand gesture, or you can tap into the video feed remotely as well.

Owl Car Cam already rolls video on the car when someone is moving inside, whether its in driving mode or parked, and sends video alerts for accidents that come from break-ins and dents. You can also tap into a live feed over LTE. All video captured by the device is stored off the camera — which means if someone grabs Owl, you can still access any video taken, even of that particular break-in of your car.

Owl, which started shipping its camera in February, sells for $349 which includes one year of its instant video service which lets you received unlimited video alerts, and 60 minutes of remote video viewing per month. You can renew the service after one year for $99, or $10 a month.