
Update Google Chrome now to block known exploit

Google has released a new security update, one that includes 14 security fixes, with one marked critical and 11 other noted as high.

But one is actually more dangerous — and is an exploit that has already been mined to create malware that's currently active. Google refers to it as "in the wild," and it refers to a specific problem — fixed by the new update — that affects V8, a part of Chrome that processes JavaScript code.

"Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2021-30551 exists in the wild," wrote Google on its blog.

An "Update" button will show up when Chrome fixes are available.iStock/Getty Images

The update that's being rolled out then is a crucial one as it blocks, in essence, a this malware from affecting users' browsers. And typically if an update is available for Chrome, people can find it by just glancing up at the right corner of their Chrome browser where a green button, with the word, "Update" will be clearly visible.

Google actually color codes the Update button to let you know if you've taken too long to push it out:

  • Green means an update is pending and released less than two days ago
  • Orange means the update was released about four days ago
  • Red means the update was released about a week ago and need to be put into play.

To install the new version of Chrome, all you need to it is click on the "Update" button, and Google will take care of the rest — even re-opening the tabs you had in place before you started the process.

Anyone who uses Chrome on a Windows, Mac or Linux machine should put the update into play now.