Screenshot of Xfinity Stream app from the NuEyes smart glasses

NuEyes smart glasses can now stream live TV from Comcast’s Xfinity app

Comcast is pushing further into accessibility with a new deal involving NuEyes e2 — installing the Xfinity Stream app right into the smart glasses. The new partnership will help those with visual impairments be able to watch content through Comcast's app — from live TV to movies — just by wearing the glasses. It is the first TV app for NuEyes, Comcast told GearBrain.

Comcast has a history of making more content accessible to a wider audience. In June, the company launched the Xfinity X1 eye control feature for the TV which pairs through someone eye-control system. Functionally a web site, the feature lets someone operate there TV, from changing channels to searching for titles, all through eye-tracking.

NuEyes, which launched in 2016, makes two kinds of smart glasses designed for those who have what the company calls "low vision," which the Cleveland Clinic describes as sight that can include blind sports, poor vision during the evening, or anything that can't be corrected through prescription glasses, contact lenses or surgery.

Creating Inclusive Experiences Through

The NuEyes Pro look like regular glasses, albeit with larger frames. The NuEyes e2, which also, act as augmented reality devices, more resemble an AR headset. Both sit on the head and are designed, as glasses are, to be hands-free. The glasses can enhance vision through multiple ways from magnifying what's in someone's field to view up to 18 times its initial size, to enhancing the contrast levels, and also a text to speech option.

Wearers view content through the glasses, which are priced just below $6,000, an expensive purchase, but one that can heavily impact those who have vision limitations.

The app is now pre-installed on the NuEyes 2, and can be accessed for free for those with an Xfinity Internet or video subscription.

"Collaborating with Comcast has been an absolute joy," said Mark Greget, Founder and CEO of NuEyes. "To be able to stream content directly to our consumers' eyes in a way that has never been done before enables millions of visually impaired people to continue enjoying their TV experience and more."

Check out The GearBrain, our smart home compatibility checker to see the other compatible products that works with Comcast's Xfinity Home X1 Platform.