Alexa on your face?

Smart glasses Amazon is working on its first wearable device — smart glasses that would connect to Alexa, the company's voice assistant. So says the Financial Times which reported that the wearable would work with a smartphone connection to bring up Alexa at any time, anywhere.

Meant to look like regular eyeglasses, the wearable device would allow users to hear Alexa without headphones. Instead the device would capture audio through sound vibration that travel along the facial bones to the ear called bone conduction. (This is similar to the tech proposed by Sgnl, a Kickstarter campaign that is seven months late to its proposed delivery.)

Wearable glasses are not a new idea. Spectacles, Snapchat's recording glasses, and Google Glass are just two devices that have placed connected gadgetry into an eyeglass package. While glasses are something many people wear — the question will be if they'll want to put on a pair of specs just to talk to Alexa.

Although Amazon has not made any formal announcement, the device could be launched as early as this year. Amazon is on a tear pushing out new products that connect to its smart assistant launching the Echo Show and Dash Wand already in 2017. Having Alexa speaking directly in your ear? That may be an opportunity to good for this giant etailer to pass up.

Robot mayhem A new feature film from the Funny or Die and Felix & Paul Studios dropped in the Oculus store — a 45-minute virtual reality romp that's anchored in the 1980s and tells the tale (we think) of a robot named Miyubi. To view the movie you need a Samsung Gear VR headset or Oculus Rift device — but the trailer? That's free.