DolphinAttack can hack Siri and Alexa and you won't hear a thing

Silent hack While nearly anything connected with an internet connection, and even not, can be hacked, researchers have discovered a way for voice assistants to be hacked from nothing more than ultra-high frequency commands. First human voices issuing commands are turned into frequencies that can't normally be heard by human ears. Called "DolphinAttack," the words are then played near voice assistants which respond, according to a story in Engadget.

Researchers from China's Zheijiang University put the hacking to a test, finding not just Siri and Alexa, but Google Assistant and Samsung S Voice responded. Issuing commands the team hacked in devices including iPads, an Amazon Echo and even an Audi Q3, getting the car to change its direction.

Hackers would have to be within five to six feet of the device they're trying to break into, say researchers. The voice assistant would also have to be on, and waiting for a command, and also respond with a high-pitched sound as well. That may sound normal to a dolphin—but regular humans will reportedly hear sound, and hopefully (hopefully) know something is up.

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