Nest x Yale smart door lock

Secure Your Home: Transitioning from Nest Secure

On April 8, 2024, Google stopped supporting Nest Secure. Current customers now have to decide, if they haven't already, what to do next with their Nest x Yale smart lock. If you are a Nest x Yale smart lock owner affected by Nest Secure's discontinuation, we wrote this article to help you figure out the next steps and alternatives that must be considered to maintain your Next x Yale smart locks' functionality and connectivity.

Immediate Steps for Nest x Yale Lock Owners

Google is announcing some new smart home products for Google Assistant Google

  1. Replace Nest Guard with Nest Connect: Since Nest Guard can no longer connect your Nest x Yale Lock to Wi-Fi, replacing it with Nest Connect is crucial. This device will act as a bridge to connect your lock to your home Wi-Fi network. Nest has reportedly sent emails to eligible users with instructions on receiving a Nest Connect at no cost, which should be set up per the guidelines provided in Nest's Help Center.
  2. Manual Operation: Even without Wi-Fi connectivity, the Nest x Yale Lock can still function using the keypad. This ensures that basic lock and unlock capabilities remain uninterrupted.
  3. Installation and Setup of Nest Connect: For those who already own or will receive a Nest Connect, it's important to position this device close enough to the lock to ensure a stable connection. Detailed instructions for setting up Nest Connect are available in the Nest Help Center.

Alternative Home Security Systems are compatible with Nest x Yale Lock

Nest Hello Video Doorbell works with Nest x Yale locks. Nest

If you are looking for a broader security system replacement or integration with the Nest x Yale lock, consider these options, which are known for their compatibility and robust features:

  1. Google Home/Nest Ecosystem: Since Nest x Yale is a Nest product, integrating with other Nest or Google Home products is seamless. Systems like the Nest Hub can control your Nest x Yale lock and other smart home devices from a single interface.
  2. Smart Home Hubs: Devices like Homey Smart Hubs can integrate various smart home devices, including Nest and Yale products. This allows for expanded automation and control within your home ecosystem.
  3. Third-Party Security Systems: Third-party security systems like SimpliSafe and Frontpoint are not compatible with Nest x Yale smart locks. However, you can create your own DIY smart home security system using Google Assistant-enabled devices as the hub. You would be able to integrate the Next x Yale locks with a wide range of smart devices, like sensors, cameras, video doorbells, and smoke detectors. It's crucial, though, that you confirm the compatibility of each device with Google Assistant before proceeding.
It is important to note the Nest x Yale lock is not compatible with ADT Home Security. Even though Google Nest smart displays, speakers, cameras, and video doorbells are compatible with ADT, the Nest x Yale smart lock can not be controlled by the ADT system. Kwikset, Schlage, and Yale make smart locks that work with ADT. You can visit our smart home compatibility find engine to see the complete list of smart locks compatible with ADT. It can help you find, buy, and connect any smart device. It can even help you see if your existing smart devices are compatible with ADT.

Long-Term Considerations

Yale Assure Lock 2 Touch Smart Lock and Yale app are compatible with Next x Yale lock. Yale

With the phase-out of Nest Secure, transitioning to a new system might involve replacing the bridge device and considering a shift to a new security platform that offers enhanced features, ongoing support, and updates. When choosing a new system, consider the following:

  • Integration Capabilities: How well does the system integrate with existing smart home devices?
  • Security Features: Does it provide professional monitoring, mobile alerts, and automation?
  • Ease of Use: Is the system user-friendly, and does it offer mobile and remote control capabilities?
  • Support and Updates: Does the provider offer good customer support and regular software/security updates?

Nest x Yale lock owners must take action to ensure their locks remain functional and secure following the discontinuation of Nest Secure. By exploring compatible systems and possibly integrating new smart home security solutions, users can continue to enjoy enhanced security and convenience.