GoPro Recalls Karma Drone

GoPro Recalls Karma Drone

Gear up on five IoT news bites for Thursday

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Karma Drone Recall GoPro is telling people to land their $799 Karma drones and return them for refunds. The company found that some of the drones were crashing mid-flight, losing power. GoPro is issuing full refunds, but also plans to re-issue the drone once they figure out what caused the malfunction in the first place. (Unlikely this will be in time for the holidays.) The drone just hit the market late last month, and GoPro estimates that about 2,500 of the flying devices have been sold so far.

Safe(r) Browsing One way malware spreads online is through web site. Just going to a web site, and mousing over a page can infect a laptop, PC or any web surfing device you use. Google tries to flag these sites when it discovers them. But sites can reapply for the flag's removal, cleaning up the pages, only to purposely infect them again. Google has said no more. Google will begin to put clear labels on sites that repeatedly infect their pages with malware. Sites with this (dis)honor will also not be allowed to apply for the flag's removal for 30 days—a serious traffic problem as users click elsewhere. Google explains more here.

Daydream Details Want to make a smartphone that supports Google's VR platform Daydream? Make sure you have a display with a 1080p resolution. Also—no tablets. Instead displays should be between 4.7-inches and 6-inches. Google has outlined all of the spec in a new 85-page document specific to Nougat, the new Android operating system.

Two Hour Gain Self-driving cars may give you more than some safety measures on the road—they may give you time as well. So says Renault-Nissan's CEO Carlos Ghosn at the Web Summit in Lisbon this week, who believes the extra time drivers have by essentially not driving, could open the door to other options from talking to family to watching a movie. Of course, mass transit commuters know this already. (Via Reuters)

Keep Calm GearBrain spent some time with Spire, a health wearable that encourages users to breathe—yes, breathe. Our take? The tiny device worked, even training us to calm our breathing when we weren't wearing our, well, wearable.

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