Retro Apple Emojis Take You Back To Your Apple IIe Days
Gear up on five IoT news bites for Tuesday
Gear up on five IoT news bites for Tuesday
New Apple Emojis Apple pushed out four new sets of emojis this weekend—from realistic hand gestures to 3D happy faces—to beta testers of iOS 10.0. (Is that you?) They're eventually be part of the new release of iOS 10.0 and include four categories are Hands, Hearts, Smileys and Classic Mac—our personal favorite which include the old graphics from our Apple IIe days. IOS 10.0 is already in beta with developers. When you and I will get the new operating system? We're watching for you.
BlackBerry Bye The U.S. Senate finally entered the world of the smartphone, kicking BlackBerry to the curb. They have to get rid of what they still have in-house, (that would be 610 devices). But after that, senators and their staff can switch to iPhones or Android devices through their AT&T or Verizon contracts. (Via Politico)
Android Hack Anyone running an Android device with 5.0 or higher, pay attention. A white hat hacker (those are the good guys paid to try and hack things before the bad guys do) has found that Android devices with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor can have their Full Disk Encryption cracked open with what's called a brute-force attack, which is basically a trial and error attempt, over and over again. Of course Google and Qualcomm say patches have been available—but not everyone has them. If you're in need, click on the link above. (Via Network World)
Uber Drunk Discount You have today—and today only—to take advantage of a discount on Uber rides in Nevada. The ride-sharing app worked with the Nevada Department of Public Safety to help keep drink drivers off the road for the July 4 weekend. Discounts are up to $15 for new rides, and only through July 5. (Yes, that's today.) Plus $5 will be donated from each ride to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (Via ModernReaders)
Baby You Want Fireworks Missed some nightlight sparklers yesterday? We have got somefireworks videos and apps you can enjoy right from home, most in VR and all at least with some 360-degree action. Oooh! Ahhh!
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