Photo via U.S. Patent Office
Is Apple Working On A Military Vehicle?
Gear up on five IoT news bites for Wednesday
Gear up on five IoT news bites for Wednesday
Apple Patents 1st Car That rudimentary drawing above? That's Apple's first patent for a vehicle. The vehicle in question, here, is one that's articulated like those super long buses that bend in the middle. Of interest is the mention, in the patent, of possible issues with the steering of such a vehicle as it's centered in the articulation—ie, where the vehicle bends. And as such, it's vulnerable to, say, "effective fire in a war situation." Yes, that's Apple, concerned how one of its patents might fare in a war zone. We're thinking this wasn't discussed in the brainstorming sessions of the iPad.
Neural Dust Sensors the size of a speck of dust may be making their way into human patients—helping to control nerves, muscles and other parts of our body. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley believe the sensors, in particular, could help change the outcome for those who use prosthetic devices, allowing for greater control, and also help treat conditions including epilepsy.
Pokémon Go Racist? Is one of the most popular app on the planet racist? Evidence is pointing to PokeStops appearing more often in what USA Today called "majority white neighborhoods" than in "majority black neighborhoods." Citing statistics from The Urban Institute and quoting other news outlets, the newspaper says the game may be redlining, or preventing people from services based on their racial or ethnic makeup.
Quadrooter Brouhaha A new exploit is reportedly making the rounds, attacking Android phones with Qualcomm chips—about a billion devices, says ZDNet. How do you get it? By installing what's called a malicious app, which yes, can happen even through the Google Play store. But wait. Computerworld then pointed out that Android has built-in anti-virus that actually is already on the look out for Quadrooter. So who to believe? How about this: Be careful about what apps you add to your device. And start from there.
Travel Time From Home Eager to experience some of the VR travel apps out there? We have plenty to try—as well as some of the best VR headsets for travel apps so you can indulge your wanderlust all from the comfort of your couch.
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