MIZEUS Group launches crowdfunding campaign to resolve common Wi-‐Fi problems
ZeusPro - First Parabolic passive Wi-Fi Amplifier
ZeusPro - First Parabolic passive Wi-Fi Amplifier
Press Release:
TelAviv, Israel – on July 18, 2016, David Melman, MIZEUS Founder, as a child always looked for solutions forevery problem he came across and invented plenty of great DIY products. As an adult, he understood thathis solutions could help everyone. A year ago, he encountered a popular problem, poor Wi-Fi connection.The regular electric amplifiers weren't the solution for him. He started to research. He came with the idea ofcombining the focusing frequency technology that existed in satellite receivers with the traditional routerantenna. After further research and development, he announced ZeusPro, the World's first non-electricalWi-Fi amplifier.
ZeusPro is a non-electrical wireless signal amplifier that offers to gain more Wi-Fi quality and range fromtraditional routers with antenna. It doubles and even triples the distance range and covers Wi-Fi deadspots. In addition, ZeusPro decreases lags and disconnections during online gaming. The product also hasa great security feature against unwanted users, it's easy to use and comes at a very affordable price. It'san innovative new solution.
MIZEUS Group expects to get and grow investor confidence and widen its customer base. In addition toZeusPro, MIZEUS is also developing a larger amplifier for business and commercial use.The startup is targeting to raise a minimum amount of US$15,000 to launch ZeusPro in massive scale.When asked why the company has decided to go with crowdfunding, David Melman reported that "Thisplatform reflects the optimal market demand and collaborating with the campaign supporters can target ourway of thinking for future products"
Crowdfunding is one of the most creative ways to launch indie products. Recently creative crowdfundingplatform Indiegogo successfully launched big projects such as Solar Roadways that raised US$2.2M.
About MIZEUS Group
MIZEUS Group was founded in Tel-Aviv, Israel in 2015 by David Melman and his partners.The Startup is researching and developing high quality, reliable and affordable solutions for daily problemsthat everyone encounters.
For additional information about MIZEUS Group please visit our Website, or follow us on Facebook andTwitter.
Our Indiegogo Project https://igg.me/at/ZeusPro Is now live
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