
Top 5 Useful Writing Tools for Students
Students can count on so many writing tools and applications to help them with their essays. Here are the top five useful writing tools, how to use them, and why.
Students can count on so many writing tools and applications to help them with their essays. Here are the top five useful writing tools, how to use them, and why.
Writing can get tricky at times. Students often suffer from poor time management, lack of focus, procrastination, or missing writing and editing skills. Fortunately, certain apps and writing tools can help students deal with those complications. Many online platforms or applications assist students with their writing struggles, helping them grow more confident in their skills. So before you start wondering about writing platforms or thinking, "is speedypaper legit?" see these five helpful writing tools for students.
Of course, most students are already happy users of Grammarly services. However, it deserves a place on the list just in case someone has missed a magnificent tool. So, Grammarly is a proofreading and editing platform. This tool helps students correct their work. It identifies all errors, from punctuation to repetition and other inconsistencies, and suggests corrections.
The platform can help users pick the correct writing style, achieve perfect consistency and word flow, stick to the academic kind, and more. Students can also use Grammarly to run plagiarism checks. However, such a feature comes in a premium version.
Evernote, an excellent tool for essay preparation.Evernote
There are so many reasons for students to use Evernote. First, it is a good tool for essay preparation. Hence, you can make notes, write down maps of action, save sources, etc. You can also organize everything coherently and effectively. So you can always find what you're looking for.
Secondly, students can use Evernote for teamwork. It is a great cooperation platform. A group of students can use Evernote to share their ideas, edit and work on the same project while being miles away from each other.
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StayFocusd is an effective writing tool for studentsGoogle
Sometimes, staying focused and productive comes as the biggest struggle for students. Most young people suffer from poor attention spans, lack of focus or motivation, procrastination, etc. These tendencies prevent young people from doing their writing work on time. After all, academic papers require a lot of dedication. However, getting into the right mindset and staying on task can get more complicated than it seems.
That's why StayFocusd can be an essential and effective tool for writing. This app helps students eliminate any digital distractions for as long as needed. The app will block any sites or applications you choose for any period. Users won't be able to visit them on any of their devices or receive notifications, messages, etc. Hence, students can easily let go of their smartphones and social media, knowing these distractions are temporarily off-limits.
Pomodoro Tracker will help you schedule your working and break sessions. Pomodoro Tracker
Fast and productive writing is not necessarily the same thing. Yet, students often want to finish early, so they engage in long writing sessions. Such an approach doesn't give the desired results. The thing is, good writing requires time, focus, and energy. You can't just push through the whole process and complete a good paper in one evening.
Instead, students should engage in more regulated writing sessions, where they maintain a perfect balance between work and rest. That's where The Pomodoro Tracker comes into play. This tool helps you time your working and break sessions, creating a more productive process. The Pomodoro technique implies half an hour working sessions with five-minute breaks. Students should take a more extended break after several such rounds.
The goal here is to maintain focus for more extended time periods and remain energetic and motivated. Students should use breaks to rest, do some simple stretching, have some fun, and change their focus. Rest should help them return to work with a fresh mindset and keep working without exhaustion and pressure.
BibMe is a valuable platform to help with your academic writing.BibMe
Lastly, writing references on academic papers must be the least favorite job of any student. It is a delicate yet repetitive and tedious job that may require hours. Fortunately, plenty of online tools can help young people deal with the technical part of the job without spending that much time and effort. The same applies to citing and reference writing.
BibMe can do all the boring parts for you without a single mistake. It's a perfect platform to use for academic writing. A poorly cited source can lead to high plagiarism ratings. If it happens, students get in a lot of trouble, including suspension or worse. BibMe won't let that happen. You can type in the name of the source and its author and receive a perfect reference in the chosen style within a second. It has an extensive database with all the articles, books, and sites you may quote, so it will always know what you cite.
Writing doesn't have to be a difficult chore. In fact, let writing be what it truly is - a beautiful creative flow. Leave all the complex work and technical processes, and rely on technology. These days, modern writers can enjoy various tech help online and offline. Hence, you can rely on technology to guide you in writing, find and correct your weakest points, and clear your path to focused and productive work.
Students already have a lot on their minds and schedules. It only makes sense to find help elsewhere to deal with all your assignments or creative pursuits faster and easier. So, the next time you have a paper to write, remember all these apps and sites you've read just now. Good luck!
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