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"Justice League," "Aquaman" will get virtual reality spinoffs
Virtual reality is coming to a movie near you.
Virtual reality is coming to a movie near you.
VR Superheroes "Justice League" and "Aquaman" are getting a virtual reality make-over. Imax and Warner Bros are creating virtual reality experiences around two of their big ticket movie franchises. The "Justice League" movie, debuting this summer, will have the first, "Aquaman," set in 2018 and a third virtual reality experience will be made in 2019.
Virtual reality is the entertainment experience of 2017 with everything from football games to basketball games being broadcast in VR. Imax has already launched a VR experience center in Los Angeles this year, a trial that the company is expected to expand. What these VR add-ons will be for Warner's superhero flicks is not known yet. But expect that these are only the first movies to get these VR content extras. And in the meantime, enjoy the first "Justice League" trailer. (You're welcome) (Via Variety)
Apple update Apple's new iOS 10.3 is taking a long time to upload notes, well, everyone. So if you have an older device, know this going in, and don't force crash your phone during the middle of the operating system update. Patience, people. Patience.
Uber returns Uber put its self-driving cars back on the road in Arizona this week, following an investigation that showed that the Uber car did not cause a crash. (The other car was cited for the accident.)
Best lights Smart lights are the absolute easiest way to get yourself on the smart home track. Still don't have an idea of which one to choose? We have a roundup of some of the best of the bunch with links to our own test reviews of smart lights from Lifx to Philips Hue. Take a gander.
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