Photo via Onisuka Tiger
Augmented reality sneakers: Anrealage Monte Z weaves tech into fashion
Would you buy these AR sneakers?
Would you buy these AR sneakers?
Updated October 17, 2017 We've all seen some pretty incredible wearable tech. From Google Glass to light up dresses, a huge part of the future of technology obviously lies within fashion. Now add Anrealage Monte Z sneakers to the list.
Following the AR college acceptable letter craze, Japanese shoe maker Onitsuka Tiger and fashion brand Anrealage have partnered up to create the first pair of augmented reality-enhanced sneakers, the Anrealage Monte Z.
In some pretty dope promotional pictures and videos, the two brands show how when you scan the sneakers onto your phone, the logo jumps out accompanied by the music stylings of Japanese rock band Sakanaction. It's pretty basic, but an interesting step in using AR to push out information and branding.
AR stints in fashion have involved virtual dressing rooms — from Converse's The Sampler to Topshop's VR experience. An AR fashion show during February's Fashion Week brought up virtual tags as models walked by, giving additional information about the clothing. And recently Momofuku's David Chang teamed up Nike using AR to help buyers locate how to buy its Nike SB Dunk High Pro Momofuku shoes— even though the sneakers didn't launch any AR images.
Virtual reality (VR) too, is stitching its way into the fashion world, with eBay launching a virtual department store. VR, however, has some drawbacks, relying on headsets to view the virtual imagery. With AR, smartphones can just launch the camera app and start. Still, these are early days with AR.
Apparently, in the case of the Anrealage Monte Z, the AR only shows up on the left foot and even there reportedly doesn't work super great with the logo only popping up half the time, according to Mashable. The app also takes up 300MB of space: not ideal for those with older model phones.
The shoe itself comes in two designs — all white or black and white. The holes for the sneaker's laces are all over the place, so you can come up with different designs from a basic criss cross to fancy stars. (The company has 'How To's' on its web site.)
As for buying them — price is not an object, as apparently the company hasn't made them available on its site as of yet. And in fact — Onitsuka seems to have pulled the sneaker from its site. So when — or if — that option shifts to true reality, we'll let our readers know.
-Amber Wang recently wrote about AR college acceptance letters for GearBrain.
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