Hello to Dr. Alexa, Goodbye tired driving
Latest news on driving technology, Facebook and Google
Latest news on driving technology, Facebook and Google
Everyone who has done a long commute knows the danger the road can bring to a sleepy driver. This week we learned about a new technology that can read the eyes of motorists to know if they should not be driving. There's also a new patent for Alexa where she may be the one telling you to stick out your tongue and say 'Ah.'
Amazon patented a new way to tell if people have colds just by letting Alexa listeniStock
Every Amazon enthusiast is aware that Alexa knows all, but now it's becoming apparent to the rest of the world. Amazon announced that its prized smart home device can do a lot more than order items from its web site and keep your family entertained; it can also detect if you are struggling with an illness. Its new patented technology could help Alexa-enabled devices detect any abnormal physical or emotional conditions you may be experiencing. The device could listen for coughs, sneezes, joyful tones of voice and even crying. It is expected that Alexa could then configure ads to help with any condition you're experiencing.
Australian police are testing an eye scanner to read for tired driversiStock
Tired drivers are being forced out from behind the wheel
Police in Australia are testing a new technology that could tell if a driver is too tired to drive safely. The technology is an eye scanner that measures someone's pupils for signs of being tired. The eye scanner will likely be used after pulling over people driving erratically. The technology is currently in a 12-month trial period to test its accuracy. If it proves successful, police will likely implement the test into regular road safety services, such as breathalyzers and drug tests.
Google says its AI can diagnose breast cancer with 99 percent accuracyiStock
AI technology outranks doctors in identifying breast cancer
In the midst of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it is more important than ever to know who you can trust to test you for breast cancer. This year, that trustworthy character is none other than your friendly neighborhood artificial technology. Google announced that its AI-based technology can diagnose the disease with 99 percent accuracy. The company believes that this will allow future physicians offices to detect significantly smaller tumors than previously thought to help increase the survival rate of patients.
Facebook launched Portal, a new video display deviceFacebook
Facebook's launch of a new video display is hitting some wrinkles. The social media company has had its share of privacy problems in past months — Cambridge Analytica anyone? So when Facebook announced Portal, a new device for the home that lets people make video calls, it definitely caused a stir. Now Facebook admits those calls will be made over its Messenger feature — and data could be mined to help the social media company decide which ads to serve people on Facebook itself.
Modern credit methods including Square, Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover IIiStock
Square is taking over credit card machines
Square's mobile attachment has made its way to smartphones, eliminating the need for small businesses and fair vendors to invest in a hefty credit card machine. Now, the little attachment is making big leaps as it crosses into the larger retail market, adopted by companies that still require a large credit card machine. Square will allow businesses to process all payments and print receipts from its device, as well see their inventory, make and track discounts and send invoices. The Square Terminal sells for $399.
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